الأربعاء، 24 فبراير 2010


wa7ed sa7by confused fe 7aga..
kan fe relationship mo2asera awi, 2a3adet fatra tawella... we entahet nehaya ma2saweya... men sa3etha mada5alshi fe serious relationships(7a2oh:D)..el mohem nw feah moshkela...he felt somthing diffrent toward a girl in his team( he is the main supervisor)... we hwa 5ayef gedan ye2olaha 3ashan akter men sabab
1- wa7da fe nafs be2et el 3amal is nt a very good idea:D.
2- 5ayef en yekon ehtemammaha just impressed be her boss.
3- I guss ene 5ayef 3aleh enoh yefta7 2alboh le7ad tani...3ashan if he gets hurted again, it will be a disaster...
el risk 3alya awi:D
ana nasa7toh enoh....:D:D actually ma3reftesh a2oloh eah...
law 7ad 3andoh ra2y yaret ye2oloh:D